So sorry I didn't have this posted by 6:00 as promised.
I thought I was giving myself plenty of time after the Saturday service, but I had another event today, and was away from the computer until now.
My apologies!!!
I would like to announce the to-date total amount that has been donated to Kenan and Cathy in the wake of the tragic loss of their little daughter Evelyn.
Before I announce the total, however, I would like to reiterate the purpose of this fund.
Some of you who follow sports may have heard the recent news story of the rich donor who gave the University of Connecticut $3 million dollars to build a new football stadium. When the school hired a new coach, however, the rich donor, unhappy with their decision, ended up withdrawing his donation!
The withdrawal of his support reveals an agenda.
Our original thought for this donation fund was to help Kenan and Cathy pay unexpected medical bills. But maybe they will decide instead to use the money for something else. The other night, Kenan mentioned he’s always wanted to drive down Rte. 1 in California. Maybe they will take a trip out there, and let Kenan live that dream! Or maybe they will schedule one weekend getaway every month for several months. Maybe Cathy will want to paint her nails. Maybe Kenan will want to paint his nails. I don’t know! But in the end it's not up to us. Our purpose in giving the money is solely to minister to them and bless them, with no strings or expectations attached: no agenda. Whatever they choose, they should be free to use the money as they have need.
That said, Kenan and Cathy, our hearts have been heavy for you; and for us, it's a relief to have some tangible way we can help ease your burden. Additionally, we know that God gives not only what we need, but He also gives in abundance--and so do His people. (In this case, many donors to this fund are Christians. Many others, however, would not make that claim. But it doesn't matter--we all are participating in something Christ teaches is right: to love one another. In this case, the expression is monetary.)
I mention abundance because I believe that once the final donations are tallied, there will in fact be an abundance. It appears the donations will very likely cover the medical bills and then some. That is an answer to prayer. So be it!
With that said, on behalf of the many, many generous people who have donated money, prayer, hugs and support---Kenan and Cathy, we love you guys!
The total amount donated to Kenan and Cathy through Paypal/checks/cash that Jill and I know of is $5,565.
I know there are more people who plan to give, and there are those who have given through other avenues. Also, I know caring people from Kenan's work (Wegmans) and Cathy's work (the Dental office in Pittsford) are also working out plans to support them. There are several other stories of caring people who have supported Kenan and Cathy in various creative ways.
Christians, this is part of your Testimony about everything that is good about being a follower of Christ! We support our own in love, do we not? This is the Church being the Church, as we were meant to be.
For those who give to Kenan and Cathy but have no specific interest in being a Christian, consider this:
When asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus responded: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'...And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:37-40)
Regardless of what religious (or not) beliefs you hold, it seems to me the outpouring of love for Kenan and Cathy is at the very heart of what Christ intends for our lives. And it is good.
As we consider how to comport ourselves from this point forward, we acknowledge readily the days since Tuesday February 1st have been very painful. And for the rest of us, we may move fluidly to our next busy task. But for Kenan and Cathy, it doesn't end here. So as friends and family, let's continue to support the Careys in every way we know how.
Kenan and Cathy--we love you guys. May God bless you both!
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